Monday, November 3, 2008

Boondocks sequel is a go go. Oh no no.

Did anyone actually watch The Boondock Saints? Personally, I've read more about the shit storm that went around it than the actual film itself. The writer/director Troy Duffy was allegedly some major asshole who pissed on anyone who tried to help him make the film. As an aspiring writer/director myself I know how much cock I will suck for any money that isn't coming out of my own pocket. Hell, if Harvey Weinstein told me to cast Daniel Radcliffe as a mob boss I'd probably comply.

My friend kept crapping on about how awesome it was, but he's Irish so I should have known better. I watched it: a lame-ass Tarantino hodge podge, it made another Pulp Fiction knockoff from the nineties 2 Days in the Valley seem positively inspired. All I can really remember is Willem Dafoe being gay. Like offensively gay. Man did he suck. And I love Willem Dafoe.

Anyways, apparently there's a sequel in the works, because, hey, what movie doesn't deserve a sequel these days? That's a good question. Better than any question about Boondock Saints.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fuck the boondock saints. everyone has one of those friends who claims it's the best movie ever, but it's awful