Saw V over the weekend made $30.5 million in the states. So that, divided by say 10 bucks a ticket, is A FUCKLOAD OF STUPID MORONIC RETARDED LOBOTOMIZED PEOPLE!!!
Don't you dumbasses know that only the first one was good? Didn't you learn your lesson with the first 3 sequels? Or did you think it was cool that the bimbo chick from Becker was the bad guy? No, people, that was lame.
The only consistently interesting horror franchise is the Nightmare on Elm Streets. I use the word "interesting" because not all of them were "good" per say, but they at least invoked new ideas and styles, and didn't regurgitate the same "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAAAAAAAAAAAAME?" bullshit that the Saw movies are doing. Jigsaw has become the lamest villain ever. Not to mention he's DEAD people! So what the fuck do they do? Flashbacks. Lame. So f-ing lame.
Anything for a buck.
And these people (you people???) are falling for it hook line and sinker.
Listen, if your rotten bile-ingested heart so desires to fill itself with black burning tar, please do so via illegal torrent download so the filmmakers don't get your money. Watch the cam. Matter of fact, here's the link. It can't be any worse than the awful experience you'll have in the cinema realizing 15 minutes in that you wasted your money to find out that Jigsaw's step-brother's niece's piano teacher is cutting off bad men's balls.
Only the first one was good, and frankly the shitness of the sequels is making it less good by the year. Eventually it will suck just as much as the Part XII, if only by association.
i SAW it
Agreed! Except for Nightmare being the only interesting horror franchise lol!
It's all about Child's Play which does include the last 2.
childs play? everyone knows the most interesting horror franchise is troll and the superior followup troll 2
You're both wrong.
Nightmare rules all.
if you think about it, saw is quite a successful horror franchise since each film is more horrorble than the last HA HA HA
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