Mr. Smith is an inspiring fellow, just 24 or so when he made Clerks, which went on to play at Sundance and started off his career which has resulted in many good films. Apatow on the other hand had been around the block a few times, writing for The Larry Sanders Show and a film called Celtic Pride (which I quite like!) before hitting the mainstream in a VERY big way with The 40 Year Old Virgin. Now every comedy that comes out, particularly those with a vulgar but sweet sense of humour, are branded Apatow-ick. But what does this mean for someone like Kevin Smith who has been steadily making films for 14 years?
The article states that "Mr. Smith’s predicament is just one part of a larger problem facing many filmmakers in the field of R-rated comedy: It is nearly impossible for them to make their pot-smoking, breast-baring (but heartfelt!) movies without in some way encroaching on the raunchy (yet tender!) turf that Mr. Apatow already owns." Smith goes on to say he bares no grudges or competitive feelings for Mr. Apatow, but rather “I thank God for Judd, because he shattered what I assumed was a $30 million ceiling.”
Smith's highest grossing films have never even come close to the US box-office take of something like Knocked Up ($148 million!!!), but what is the difference exactly? Watching the trailer for Zack and Miri, which coincidentally (???) stars Apatow protege Seth Rogen, it really seems difficult to distinguish who exactly made this film. Does it matter? Not particularly. I enjoy this brand of homour with heart and will watch it at the cinema. But why Apatow has taken the box office by storm whilst Smith has always remained basically a cult figure is beyond me. Perhaps in the past Mr. Smith's films tended to skew towards a male, predominantly young demographic, while Apatow made sure to include strong female characters and to raise the age-barrier a decade or so higher.
My mum watched Knocked Up and loved it, but could she withstand the vulgarity of Clerks II? Probably not. I doubt Kevin Smith gives a toss however if my mum would like Clerks II. Plus I'm sure she'd give Chasing Amy a go (and Zack and Miri for that matter). Two funny heart-felt filmmakers is better than one, that's what I say.
But the question I am curious about is whether Zack and Miri will emerge as a pure Kevin Smith film, or a hybrid of the Smith and Apatow stylings.
FINAL NOTE: The first poster was banned. So they made the second one. Hilarious.

1 comment:
why yes i would agree that they were separated at birth - because neither of them are funny and both rely on dick jokes for cheap laughs. imagine their movies "with heart" if they didn't have the raunch factor. zac efron might as well star in the sappy result. great job guys, you can mash up two genres
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