A double-post-relevance hit in Ebert's review for Kevin Smith's Zack and Miri Make a Porno contains an extended food metaphor.
Does it work? You be the judge:
Since he likes to eat, I will describe him in food terms. He isn't a gourmet chef, supplying little nuggets of armadillo surrounded by microscopic carrots and curlicues of raspberry-avocado-mint juice. He's the kind of chef I've valued for a lifetime, the kind you see behind the ledge in a Formica diner, pulling down new orders from revolving clips. The kind of diner where the waitresses wear paper Legionnaire hats, pop their gum, and say, "What ya havin' today, hon?"In Kevin Smith's fantasy diner, the waitresses at this joint strip naked and have noisy lesbian sex, and then Jose the busboy joins in the fun. They all scream loudly: "Bleep, you bleeping bleep! I bleep your bleep! Bleep! Bleep! I'm bleeping bleeping!"

Please Roger, keep it to a minimum.
so...did he like the movie?
3 stars out of 4. Good not great.
Me thinks ol' Roger felt a tad superior towards Mr. Smith. I'm sure you do too haha.
it's a bit sad when the only way kevin smith can make his work hip is by casting the latest hot talent rather than improving the material
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