Friday, November 21, 2008

Australia: 2 and 2

There are 2 things about this film that get me excited:

1) Hugh Jackman. This guy is the real thing. With the exception of the piece of trash Van Helsing (horrible, horrible film), Mr. Jackman has always exuded charm and charisma even in lukewarm films like Deception. He makes his films emminently more watchable.

2) Australia. The country, I mean. We need this - a huge, sprawling saga celebrating our country. America has so many of these films, why can't we get one. I just hope it doesn't turn into too much of an Australian Tourism commercial.

There are 2 things about this film that get me worried:

1) Baz Luhrmann. The dude is a show off. His style is so over the top I can't believe people aren't having epileptic attacks in the cinemas.

2) Nicole Kidman. A great actress with the right role, I can't help but think this is not the right role, and for one main reason: I cannot believe that Nicole Kidman would fall in love. Australia is being promoted as an epic love story, but I would bet a lot of money I won't buy the love. No matter what you have to say about Mr. Cameron's Titanic, we believed that Leo and Kate were in love. Hell, we believed that the old lady playing Kate years later loved Leo. And it was this love that got people [ie. women] flocking back to the theatre over and over again.

Only the latter will have any significant impact on the film's box office, because mainstream audiences seem to LOVE Luhrmann. I mean, love him. I don't get it, but each to their own. He is a visionary, I just don't emotionally connect with his vision. But the latter is a problem. When has Kidman excelled? When she played cold, calculating, emotionally withdrawn bitches really, eg. The Hours (she was better than the film), To Die For (her best role), and Margot at the Wedding (which no one saw). Australia has her cast as a prude, and I'll buy that, but in the obligatory second act when she is going to cast off her shackles we have to feel this rousing passion, and I doubt I will. I'll want to, cause I love Hugh, but I won't.

It will be interesting to see what it makes opening weekend, and whether it is a bigger hit here or overseas. Here's the trailer:

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