Aintitcoolnews reports that James Cameron wasn't really consulted about Terminator 4, but he would have been happy to.

Lucky for him Titanic made a f-ing bundle so we'll let it slide.
There's been some discussion at AICN and elsewhere of me rescinding my so-called blessing of T4 and that's not the case. The truth is there never was a blessing to rescind, and there's been some kind of misunderstanding between me and McG, perfectly innocent I believe. He asked me in a phone call when I was shooting in New Zealand earlier this year if I would be a supporter and creative participant in the new film. I said sure, send me the script and I'll give you my thoughts. And I warned him that free advice is usually worth what you pay for it. For whatever reason I never got the script and to date I haven't seen a foot of film other than what everybody's seen in the trailer, which is not enough to form an opinion. So I have zero basis for supporting or dissing the film. As I said in an interview, for all I know it could be a masterpiece or it could be a big steaming pile. I think all people heard was the steaming pile part and concluded I was against the film, which I'm not. In fact, it might be very good, an opinion based solely on what Sam Worthington has shared with me. He's nobody's fool when it comes to material, and has absolutely the lowest bullshit quotient of anyone I know, and he has repeatedly told me that he reckons the film is going to be good. I know him to be very critical (in a healthy way) of his own work, and an actor who always aspires to excellence, so I know he wouldn't praise the film if he didn't feel it.
Obviously I can't give my blessing (whatever that means anyway ) to the film completely blind. But I'm predisposed to be supportive based on Sam's involvement and his judgment, because I believe in him. So there you have it. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that it's not a steaming pile.
Jim out
He did Charlie's Angel: Full Throttle.

He even looks like a douche.
Maybe McG has untapped talent. Maybe. But if anyone has seen Terminator 2: Judgment Day they know how unecessary a sequel becomes the more you think about it. The whole idea of playing out the war against the machines is entirely redundant. All themes were dealt with in the first 2 films. The longer I dwell on part 3 the more pointless it becomes. It repeated all the same shit as part 2.
But why is Christian Bale in it? A huge fat shut-the-fuck-up-and-eat-our-shit paycheck? Say it isn't so. I know he didn't do Batman because of that. Read on that he was all suited up to play George W. in Oliver Stone's film but backed out because he didn't have faith in himself to fulfill the project requirements, so the guy's obviously got standards. Plus Sam Worthington is ALSO in James Cameron's new film Avatar and is a promising Australian actor so there MUST be something here.
There must be. There must be. There MUST be.
If I say this enough times maybe it will come true.
consider this: jim cameron thought "alien vs predator" was "very good"
I refuse to believe that.
Matter of fact, I refuse to believe that anyone bar Paul W.S. 'hackface' Anderson would every think that piece of blasphemous trash was "very good".
Got any direct links or proof? Actually the only way I would believe you is a personal call from Jim himself.
ask and you shall receive:
"QUINT: Milking it, totally.
JAMES CAMERON: Milking it. So, I stopped work. Then I saw ALIEN VS PREDATOR and it was actually pretty good. (laughs) I think of the 5 ALIEN films, I'd rate it 3rd.
QUINT: Ummm...
JAMES CAMERON: I actually liked it. I actually liked it a lot."
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