Monday, November 24, 2008
Tie for film of the year...

The Box delayed

The actual film is even more bewildering.
Twilight made 70 million

Cinematical reports:
Friday, November 21, 2008
Australia: 2 and 2

1) Hugh Jackman. This guy is the real thing. With the exception of the piece of trash Van Helsing (horrible, horrible film), Mr. Jackman has always exuded charm and charisma even in lukewarm films like Deception. He makes his films emminently more watchable.
2) Australia. The country, I mean. We need this - a huge, sprawling saga celebrating our country. America has so many of these films, why can't we get one. I just hope it doesn't turn into too much of an Australian Tourism commercial.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tom Cruise and the Top Ten
Get over it.
Tom Cruise is a phenomenal actor and has had, and is still having, a phenomenal career. He is everything Hollywood is good for. Why? Here's ten reasons.
#1 Risky Business (1983) - Joel Goodsen
Don't try and tell me you didn't wanna jump Tom's bones in this movie. I know I did. He was hot. He was Maverick. Why do you think Maverick has become the generic slang term for sexual domination i.e. "getting the hot chick"? Because Tom was The Man. What he said, you did. Tony Scott's hyperkinetic action film which made very second male in the world want to join the Air Force (allegedly half of these men actually DID), and increased the sales of Ray Ban sunglasses by 40% is a cultural signpost of the 80s. Sure it's shallow, sure it glorifies war. But it's excess is it's beauty. Michael Bay owes this film a lot. And Tom Cruise was the man reason why it succeeded.
#3: Born on the Fourth of July (1989) - Ron Kovic
Just when you thought Tom Cruise was some empty headed pretty boy, here he goes shitting on himself in a Vietnam War drama to prove you wrong. Possibly Mr. Cruise's most critically lauded performance, there is a reason for this: his character arc is EXTREME and Tom pulls it off without a hitch. To see him as a fresh-faced high school graduate excited to serve his country, and end up as a paralysed but hopeful anti-war protester, is gut-wrenchingly real. It is real. And Tom's physical and emotional similarity to the real-life Ron Kovic was uncanny. He didn't win the Oscar, and that was a crime (Day-Lewis is brilliant but in hindsight My Left Foot is not quite as classic and iconic performance, plus the dude is an Oscar whore).#7: Magnolia (1999) - Frank T. J. Mackey
What a year 1999 was for Mr. Cruise. How he did not win the Oscar is beyond me. This is the film that I think is the most personal for Tom himself. Comparing the interview scene with the African-American woman to any of his real-life interviews, there is the same awkwardness, the same smile hiding a mask of vulnerability - "if you ask the wrong question..." This is not an insult, merely an observation and assumption. I'm not saying he is T.J. Mackey, just that they may have the same fears: of not being liked, not being in control, not maintaining power. When Mackey breaks down next to his father, that is not acting, that is life. That is truth. I just think that kind of truth cannot be made up. I see Tom, but I don't mind. He is being honest with us.
#9: Collateral (2004) - Vincent
#10 Tropic Thunder (2008) - Les Grossman

Monday, November 10, 2008
But Up just looks freakin' fuckin' fantastically hilarious.
How could this turn out bad? That is a rhetorical question.

Obviously I can't give my blessing (whatever that means anyway ) to the film completely blind. But I'm predisposed to be supportive based on Sam's involvement and his judgment, because I believe in him. So there you have it. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that it's not a steaming pile.
Jim out

He even looks like a douche.
But why is Christian Bale in it? A huge fat shut-the-fuck-up-and-eat-our-shit paycheck? Say it isn't so. I know he didn't do Batman because of that. Read on imdb.com that he was all suited up to play George W. in Oliver Stone's film but backed out because he didn't have faith in himself to fulfill the project requirements, so the guy's obviously got standards. Plus Sam Worthington is ALSO in James Cameron's new film Avatar and is a promising Australian actor so there MUST be something here.
There must be. There must be. There MUST be.
If I say this enough times maybe it will come true.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Why the Dark Horse wins the race
People respect Dark Horses, but only after-the-fact. Before they officially become a Dark Horse they are Nobodies, and NOBODY will notice them.
That is fine.
They are the the Dark Horse and don't do it for the immediate recognition. They look to the future but enjoy the journey - [wo]men for the moment who always maintain a keen eye on the finish line.
The Dark Horse is stupendously beautiful, but most people cannot see this straight away. You have to look twice, a third, a FOURTH time, and only then will you see something of tangible substance and value. Not only that, but the Dark Horses have long-term sustainability. Through living in the shadows they have acquired unseen but vital skills that make them utterly irresistible to us mere mortals. You can stare into their eyes every day for the REST OF YOUR LIFE and always see something new, unique and surprising.
The Dark Horse is the greatest living specimen, and will never be forgotten. They are the winners, and not just because of who they are, but what they did to earn it.
One more thing: you'll never see them coming, but that's okay with them.
They never saw you either.
Who would play Barack Obama in a movie?
Don Cheadle. This one has indie cred.
Terence Howard. Would charge too much.
Samuel L. Jackson? Probably too old.
[Insert all other 3 top-tier black actors].

Joaquin Phoenix to quit acting. WTF?????

Monday, November 3, 2008
BREAKING NEWS: Someone Actually Likes The Psycho Remake

I'm all for freedom of expression, but this is my blog so here's my freedom of expression:
Whatever. Just plain WHATEVER. Not even Van Sant's mother would be saying this. The remake of Psycho was a collossal waste of millions of dollars. If you're going to experiment, at least do so on a small-scale budget like David Lynch did on Inland Empire. Plus Lynch's film was original (to say the least).
But this dude reckons that Van Sant's remake was "fascinating" and "experiemental" because it was UNORIGINAL??? Give me a break. Go back to film school and your chai latte, buddy.
Batman 3?

I don’t think our Batman, our Gotham, lends itself to that kind of cross-fertilization. It goes back to one of the first things we wrangled with when we first started putting the story together: Is this a world in which comic books already exist? Is this a world in which superheroes already exist? If you think of "Batman Begins" and you think of the philosophy of this character trying to reinvent himself as a symbol, we took the position -- we didn’t address it directly in the film, but we did take the position philosophically -- that superheroes simply don’t exist. If they did, if Bruce knew of Superman or even of comic books, then that’s a completely different decision that he’s making when he puts on a costume in an attempt to become a symbol. It’s a paradox and a conundrum, but what we did is go back to the very original concept and idea of the character. In his first appearances, he invents himself as a totally original creation.
Boondocks sequel is a go go. Oh no no.

My friend kept crapping on about how awesome it was, but he's Irish so I should have known better. I watched it: a lame-ass Tarantino hodge podge, it made another Pulp Fiction knockoff from the nineties 2 Days in the Valley seem positively inspired. All I can really remember is Willem Dafoe being gay. Like offensively gay. Man did he suck. And I love Willem Dafoe.
Anyways, apparently there's a sequel in the works, because, hey, what movie doesn't deserve a sequel these days? That's a good question. Better than any question about Boondock Saints.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tom Cruise & Saw. WTF???
While I'm at it, why the hell does everyone hate Tom Cruise so much? Don't they know that 95% of those rich Hollywood types are loonies? At least Tom's honest about it. I feel so enraged sometimes when people try and say he's a bad actor. It is utterly and completely untrue. The guy makes kickass movies.
Matter of fact I will write an entire post about him. I love you Tom, even if you did take Joey Potter away from me...