I deleted all content of this post out of personal shame.
I need a thicker coat of skin.
Thank you Lloyd Dobler.
Come visit my film website www.floorless-films.com for all the latest updates. Welcome to the most shameless self-promotion you've seen this side of the last blog you viewed. I'm a struggling director/screenwriter/hack and I won't let you forget it. Honest to BLOG! This is for you and me and everyone else out there without a hope in the world but dreams in abundance. Maybe that's why we like sleeping so much? Someday we'll get there. I'll show you.
Just thought I'd say "Hi Jeremy!"
er, hi Jeremy...
Came across you via the UK SWF facebook site.
Stick with it mate. If it was easy everyone would do it!
Writer's block and the script not working out gets everybody down.
I step back a while, put the project that's stalling in the drawer and either get on with "real" life or brainstorm and start, or at least outline, a lighthearted, fun idea to counter the heavy project...
...well, that's what works for me.
There's a little ditty on my blog that might make you smile, check it out.
Hi again, regards,
Sheiky, UK
Cheers buddy, shall check out your blog for sure!
The world always tries to bring us down. It's in us to keep on going and never give up. That's the only way to achieve all what you want to achieve in life.
Are you and sheikspear friends? He's also in New Screenwriters Writing Screenplays. Well, if not, small world.
Keep on writing,
Glad to be of help/service/etc.
Be sure to say hello in the comments Jezza.
Did you like the "smile" thing?
Maybe it has travelled the world after all.
Hi Susan! We're all friends here in the Scribosphere...
don't let the sun go down on me
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